DEA-meeting 2018 - Leuven: presentations online

The DEA meeting 2018 (Leuven, 19 and 20 Octobre 2018) focussed on neurology, EPISTOP and TAND (TSC Associated Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders). It was organised by be-TSC, with the support of UZ Brussels, UZ Leuven and E-TSC.
To view the recorded presentations please click the titles in the program you can open via this link.
Due to a technical defect two presentations of the morning sessions on Octobre 19 are not available. Sincere apologies to the two speakers, dr. Liesbeth de Waele (UZ Leuven) and dr. Vaz (Saint-Luc). The powerpoint slides of the presentation "Update on clinical recommendations for epilepsy in TSC", Liesbeth De Waele, MD, PhD are available here.
DEA stands for Disseminating Expertise and Achievement. This E-TSC initiative aims at creating a readily accessible, active and sustainable network within and between EU countries, for clinicians treating people affected by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. E-TSC aims to hold a yearly DEA pitstop to facilitate the sharing of best practices within a relevant clinical speciality, as well as across disciplines when the need arises in this multi-system condition.
The project aims to establish a holistic approach to the treatment of TSC and promote multi-disciplinary working across the EU.