Petrus de Vries

  • DEA-meeting 2018 - Leuven: presentations online

    The DEA meeting 2018 (Leuven, 19 and 20 Octobre 2018) focussed on neurology, EPISTOP and TAND (TSC Associated Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders). It was organised by be-TSC, with the support of UZ Brussels, UZ Leuven and E-TSC.  

    To view the recorded presentations please click the titles in the program you can open via this link.  
    Due to a technical defect two presentations of the morning sessions on Octobre 19 are not available. Sincere apologies to the two speakers, dr. Liesbeth de Waele (UZ Leuven) and dr. Vaz (Saint-Luc). The powerpoint slides of the presentation "Update on clinical recommendations for epilepsy in TSC", Liesbeth De Waele, MD, PhD are available here

    DEA stands for Disseminating Expertise and Achievement. This E-TSC initiative aims at creating a readily accessible, active and sustainable network within and between EU countries, for clinicians treating people affected by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. E-TSC aims to hold a yearly DEA pitstop to facilitate the sharing of best practices within a relevant clinical speciality, as well as across disciplines when the need arises in this multi-system condition.
    The project aims to establish a holistic approach to the treatment of TSC and promote multi-disciplinary working across the EU.

  • TANDem ontwikkelt app om te helpen bij psychische problemen TSC

    Kick-off Tandem

    In november ging in Leuven TANDem van start. Dat internationale onderzoeksprojectzet de schouders onder de ontwikkeling van een appals eerste hulpmiddel bij TAND. TAND is de verzamelnaam voor alle neuro-psychiatrische problemen gelinkt aan TSC. Met de app zullen mensen de TAND-vragenlijst zelf kunnen invullen en een eerste advies krijgen.